Thursday, January 10, 2013

Welcome to WMST3345 at Mount Royal University!

Sex, Gender and the Body is a course that engages with some of my very favorite stuff to read and think about, and I'm really excited to have the opportunity to teach this course again this semester!

Our Course Blog
This blog is our virtual home on the web, and you should bookmark this site immediately and refer to it at least a couple of times each week throughout the semester. This is where graphics, lecture materials and notes, communications, assignments, and other vital class information and presentations will be displayed. You can also learn a bit about me, your professor, by poking around on my website at

You should also make sure you have access to Blackboard and to our course Blackboard site. To access Blackboard, go to (no www beforehand). You will need a login ID and a password. Please set this up as soon as possible, preferably before the first day of class, which is on Friday, September 10th.

Before the First Day of Class
Please be sure to get your hands on the required books. They can all be purchased from the MRU bookstore, but you should feel free to get them cheaper elsewhere. But if you're going to do that, make sure to order the correct editions and to get them as soon as possible. Some of the books (but not all) are available at the Reserve desk in the MRU library.

In addition, make sure you have access to the course syllabus on the first day of class. You can either download it from this blog (see the menu on the left) or bring your laptop and read it on-line. In the interest of saving some trees, I won't be handing out hard copies of the syllabus, so the most important thing you can do for the first day of class is make sure you have a copy of the syllabus, either on your laptop or in your hand. We'll be talking a lot about the syllabus on the first day of class, and you'll need to have it in front of you.

Course Prerequisite
Lastly, please be aware that WMST 3345 is a complex course in feminist and queer theories intended for upper-level students (i.e., those in their third and fourth years). It is an advanced, student-driven seminar that builds upon the issues and concepts learned in prior Women’s Studies classes. It is therefore strongly recommended, although not required, that you take at least one other Women’s Studies course before taking this one.

Second, the heavy reading load in WMST 3345 also requires an intense time commitment as well as sophisticated critical thinking and analytical abilities. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that students in their second year of study—even those who have taken Women’s Studies before—wait until they have completed another full year of course work before taking this course, as it is designed for third- and fourth-year students.

This information is not meant to intimidate you or scare you away. On the contrary, I want you to succeed, and staying in the course if you don't meet the recommended prerequisites may adversely affect your situation. Please think carefully about whether you're prepared to take this course, both in terms of foundational skills and knowledge in Women's Studies, as well as in terms of willingness and ability to make the time commitment that will be required.

If you have any questions about this, or about anything else, please feel free to send me an e-mail at kawilliams(at)

I look forward to meeting you in class!

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