Monday, February 11, 2013

This week's class will be a bit of an exciting hodge podge as we finish up our unit on constructing femininity and prepare to begin working on the term project. That assignment is available by clicking the link on the left, so make sure you take a look at it before the Library Workshop on Thursday.

We're going to start class on Thursday in the Library Lab. Most of you know where that is, but just in case: Head into the main entrance and walk straight ahead toward the info desk, then bang a right. The Library Lab is on the right, behind the video/DVD stacks. We'll start at 2 PM sharp, so please don't be late.

Although many of you may have had library workshops before, please don't miss this one, as it's specifically geared toward this project. We get a whole 90 minutes with the WMST librarian, Jessie Loyer, who'll work with you to identify appropriate and relevant resources for your research. We'll also be picking groups during this time, and then brainstorming topics, so you don't want to miss this crucial class meeting.

After the Library Workshop, we'll take a break and then reconvene in our regular classroom. We'll spend the rest of our class wrapping up our discussion of the DISCIPLINARY PRACTICES through which femininity is constructed, focusing specifically on The Waiting Room. For this discussion, please be sure to review Q #5-8 on Worksheet #3 re. the play's major themes. Those questions will be our focus in the second half of class.

In the meantime, you may enjoy these little tidbits:  

"16 Ways the Toy Industry is Stuck in the Stone Age 

And don't forget my office hours if you have any questions, concerns or issues -- or just want to chat!

See you on Thursday in the Library Lab!